Sexuality Policy Watch

Tag Archives: far-right

By Sonia Corrêa A few days before completing the symbolic mark of Jair Messias Bolsonaro’s – or  JMB’s – first 100 days of government, consecrated

By Fábio Grotz A continuous state of war driven by the government is what drives the speech and activities of actors engaged in the redemptive

With great pleasure, SPW offers an assessment of sexuality and gender politics, including abortion rights, in the first (almost) six months of the Jair Messias

By Sonia Corrêa What has been happening, since January,  in the Brazilian Congress regarding abortion rights and gender must be situated in a longer political.

Euro-election results 2019: a wake-up call to traditional parties – openDemocracy The path to electoral victory in Salvini’s Italy: Open opposition to the pope –

Walking toward the cliff – Inside Higher Ed Bolsonaro’s budget cuts in Universities – Inside Higher Ed In Brazil, a Hostility to Academe – Inside

by Marcelo Knobel* By making what the minister considers a “very small cut”, it will be impossible for universities to conduct daily operations at even

Alabama’s abortion ban is about keeping poor women down – The Guardian Trump fulfills his promises on abortion, and to Evangelicals – The New York

Une disposition qui pourrait aboutir à la criminalisation totale de l’avortement gagne du terrain au sein du Sénat brésilien. Un nouveau combat, essentiel à la

A provision that may lead to the complete criminalization of abortion is moving forward in the Brazilian Senate. Another major battle to preserve our rights

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