Sexuality Policy Watch

Gender politics and plebiscite in Colombia: statement

colombiaDuring the peace plebiscite campaign, opposition to the so-called gender ideology became pivotal in uniting the extreme right, various Christian organizations and some sectors behind the NO vote, who all perceived in this supposed ideology a deep threat to the Colombian family unit. Within these sectors of society, gender ideology has been seen as a concept that combines the various threats they have perceived in criticisms of historically established relationships between men and women, and their sexualities and desires.

Their argument, which began a few months ago with public debate about school textbooks on sex education and harmonious coexistence, grew to become a fundamental topic during the negotiations between the Colombian government and the NO supporters in the lead-up to the agreements reached in Havana.

Read the full statement by Gender Studies School of Colombia National University.

SPW also recommends the articles below:

Despite ‘No’ Vote, Colombia’s Indigenous Peoples Say They’ll Implement Peace Accord – IC Magazine

“Gender ideology”: a spoiler for peace? – openDemocracy

Did an Anti-LGBT Panic Help Defeat Colombia’s Peace Deal? – American Quarterly

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