Summaries of Country Case Studies
Between 2018 and 2020, SPW conducted a research effort on Anti-gender Politics in LatinAmerica. This e-book offers condensed versions of all studies that encompass the

Colombia Supreme Court’s decision on abortion: compilation on the February 2022 rulling
Landmark Decision on Colombia Abortion Rights – Human Rights Watch Statements from the Center for Reproductive Rights on the Constitutional Court Decision Decriminalizing Abortion in
Analysing the intersection between health emergencies and abortion during Zika in Brazil, El Salvador and Colombia
Journal Social Science & Medicine Volume 270, February 2021 by Clare Wenhama, Camila Abagarob, Amaral Arévaloc, Ernestina Coasta, Sonia Corrêad, Katherine Cuéllare, Tiziana Leonea, Sandra

A Tribute to Katherine Cuellar Bravo
In May 2020, Katherine Cuellar Bravo, a young Colombian researcher from the public health field, has passed away. She was responsible for the Colombian case
Gender and sexuality in the Colombia elections
By Franklin Gil Hernandes Apparently, attacks on “gender ideology”, quite central to the 2016 peace referendum, were peripheral in the 2018 Colombian presidential campaign.
Assessing gender and sexuality politics in the Colombia elections
By Sandra Mazo Cardona An inside look from gender and sexuality on the circumstances that led to Duque’s victory in the Colombian presidential elections On
Shibboleth: lethal cracks
By Sonia Corrêa Searching for works of art that would reflect the dystopian state of world affairs in January 2017, I recalled walking over the

The controversy surrounding gender: a central question of (sexual) politics in Colombia
By Mara Vivero. In this text I will present some elements on gender ideology, its antecedents and contemporary uses and secondly I will refer to the Colombian case, as one of the cases in which the term “gender ideology” has been used as part of a conservative rhetorical strategy to the constant interfaces between religious and political sectors that oppose the changes that have occurred in society in terms of gender and sexuality.

Gender politics and plebiscite in Colombia: statement
During the peace plebiscite campaign, opposition to the so-called gender ideology became pivotal in uniting the extreme right, various Christian organizations and some sectors behind

Did an Anti-LGBT Panic Help Defeat Colombia’s Peace Deal?
Read the full article on American Quarterly When thousands of Colombians protested on August 10 to demand the resignation of the country’s openly gay education