Sexuality Policy Watch

COVID-19 and surveillance: English, Portuguese and Spanish


Securing Data and Labor Rights in the Post-Covid Digital Era – Bot Populi

Big Tech Is Using the Pandemic to Push Dangerous New Forms of Surveillance – Truthout

Police in the US take surveillance to the sky – podcast The Take

UK NHS contact tracing app could endanger LGBT Human Rights, Minorities Warned – Forbes

COVID-19, surveillance and the threat to your rights – Amnesty International

Aarogya Setu App Must For All Private, Government Employees: Centre – NDTV

Governments Should Respect Rights in COVID-19 Surveillance – Human Rights Watch

As Coronavirus Surveillance Escalates, Personal Privacy Plummets – NY Times

Snowden warns government surveillance amid COVID-19 could be long lasting – C|NET

We need mass surveillance to fight covid-19—but it doesn’t have to be creepy – MIT Technology Review

Privacy experts say responsible coronavirus surveillance is possible – The Intercept

Governments Haven’t Shown Location Surveillance Would Help Contain COVID-19 – EFF

COVID-19, Information Problems, and Digital Surveillance – CGD

COVID-19 tracking data and surveillance risks are more dangerous than their rewards – NBC

UK NHS contact tracing app could endanger LGBT Human Rights, Minorities Warned – Forbes



Metrô terá reconhecimento facial perigoso para o usuário acusam entidades – Uol

Em documento, organizações pedem que governos atentem para os riscos da vigilância massiva para combater o coronavírus – Intervozes

Uso de dados de localização no combate à covid-19 pode ameaçar privacidade – Estadão

Covid-19 e proteção de dados pessoais: o antes, o agora e o depois – Conjur

Coronavírus traz novos riscos de abuso de vigilância digital sobre a população – The Intercept

Coronavírus: governo brasileiro vai monitorar celulares para conter pandemia – BBC Brasil

Covid-19 e o tratamento de dados: em busca da cura ou do controle social? – JOTA

Na pandemia, é possível flexibilizar as balizas da proteção de dados pessoais? – JOTA

A proteção de dados em tempos de coronavírus – JOTA


¿Está India combatiendo la COVID-19 mediante un sistema de “vigilancia masiva”? – Global Voices

COVID-19: Vigilancia y amenaza para tus derechos – Amnistía Internacional

Los gobiernos deben respetar los derechos al emplear la vigilancia contra el COVID-19 – HRW

COVID-19 y privacidad ¿La excusa para una era de vigilancia digital masiva? – Muy Seguridad

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