Sexuality Policy Watch

New CHANGE resource on U.S. Foreign Assistance and Female Sex Workers’ Health

CHANGE has released its brand new reportAll Women, All Rights, Sex Workers Included: U.S. Foreign Assistance and the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Female Sex Workers.” The report was launched last week before the International AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa.

The report is the first of its kind as it reviews the research across SRHR – including family planning, maternal health, GBV, and HIV- and identifies best practices to advance the health and rights of female sex workers. The report also assesses how U.S. foreign assistance can better conform with those practices. The report’s conclusion includes recommendations on ways in which the U.S. government can take action to fight against stigma and discrimination against female sex workers and actively support their health and human rights.

You can find the executive summary of the report here and the full report here.

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