Sexuality Policy Watch

Neo-nazis make suastic graffities on the walls of a Brazilian non-governmental gay organization

By Alexandre Boer*

The headquarter of the Brazilian gay organization SOMOS – Communication, Health & Sexuality, from Porto Alegre – capital of Rio Grande do Sul state – has been the target of a neo-nazi group on January, 21st. During the night, just few hours after the first black President of the USA get to the White House among a global commotion, three suastic graffities were made on the walls of SOMOS headquarter building. The neo-nazi group is still not identified, but its message was clear: the suastic cross is a symbol of hate against homosexuals, black and Jewish people.

The members of SOMOS have already complaint about the fact by contacting the Brazilian Civil Police and also the government through the Human Rights Commission of Rio Grande do Sul State. Alexandre Böer, member of the gay organization and southern director of ABGLT (Brazilian Association of Gay, Lesbian and Transgender people) says: “In times like this, when we all search for peace and make several struggles to consolidate Human Rights in Brazil and all over the world, this violence means how much longer we still have to walk ‘till we get where we want to: equal treatment for gay citizens”.

The members of SOMOS have also shown concern by this act been done one day after Barack Obama reached the White House. “It may be just a coincidence, but given de circumstances in which neo-nazi and skinhead groups have been acting lately, especially in southern Brazil, with so much hate and violence, we ought to be careful with any aggression”.

SOMOS – Communication, Healt & Sexuality works in HIV/Aids prevention and Human Rights promotion among the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people). The organization is part of the Brazilian Association of Gay, Lesbian and Transgender people.

*Alexandre Boer is coordinator of SOMOS

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