Sexuality Policy Watch

Donald Trump Reinstates the ‘Global Gag Rule’

In one of his first acts as president, Donald Trump has reinstated a federal ban on U.S. funding for international health organizations that counsel women on family planning options that include abortion. Read more on Huffington Post.

SPW also recommends for in depth analysis of Trump’s measure, which impacts not only the abortion field but a wide range of issues, like HIV/AIDS prevention, a compilation of assessments.

The Mexico City Policy: An Explainer – Kaiser Family Foundation

Trump’s New “Global Gag Rule” is Much, Much More Far Reaching than George W. Bush’s Policy – UN

The Global Gag Rule – the Fightback Has Already Begun – International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion

Dutch respond to Trump’s ‘gag rule’ with international safe abortion fund – The Guardian

Trump’s Global Gag Rule May Have Terrible Impact On HIV/AIDS Patients – Self

Trump’s Global Gag Rule Is a Deadly Blow to Women Worldwide – International Women’s Health Coalition

Trump Orders Global Gag Rule, Cuts Off Vital, Safe Abortion Services For Women – Center for Reproductive Rights

‘Global gag rule’ jeopardises future of Asia health initiatives, campaigners say – The Guardian

How the US global gag rule threatens health clinics across Kenya and Uganda – The Guardian

Trump’s Anti-Abortion Order Is Actually Likely to Increase Abortions – The Nation

Trump Reinstates Anti-Choice ‘Global Gag Rule’ Restriction – Rewire

Reproductive Rights: The Canary In The Coal Mine – Françoise Girard – The World Post

Trump’s Gag Rule Puts Women’s Health and Lives at Risk Globally – Human Rights Watch

Global gag rule: unsafe abortions kill one woman every two hours in India – Donald Trump will make this worse – The Independent

Trump Makes the Global Gag Rule on Abortion Even Worse – New Yorker

Mr. Trump’s ‘Gag Rule’ Will Harm Global Health – New York Times

Clinics for World’s Vulnerable Brace for Trump’s Anti-Abortion Cuts – New York Times

‘Global gag rule’ on abortion puts $9bn in health aid at risk, activists say – The Guardian

As a Catholic, I find Donald Trump’s anti-abortion legislation disgusting – Jon O’Brien – The Independent

President Trump’s War on Women Begins – New York Times

Silence on Abortion Equals Death – Serra Sippel – New York Times

Trump Reinstates Global Gag Rule to Cut Off Family Planning Funds Abroad – Mother Jones

What is the ‘global gag rule’, and why does Trump support it? – video – The Guardian

Trump Reinstitutes Global Gag Rule, Punishing Women Overseas By Crippling Family Planning Services – Right Wing Watch

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