Sexuality Policy Watch

Understanding and resisting Trump: a wide range of views

David Rowe cartoon.

Donald Trump, after defeating Hillary Clinton in an extremely polarized election, will be the  45th President of the United States. This result prompted visceral and resounding reactions from news media, scholars, social movements, and numerous other voices across the world.  Much of this  reaction has been driven by surprise, despair and horror. Even so, the outpour of critical reflections delivered in the last two weeks constitutes  a preliminary cartography of factors underlying  this outcome and the potential effects it will have in the  US and beyond. SPW identified and compiled a collection of relevant articles and reports, with special attention to the analyses examining the post-electoral US and world scenario through the lenses of sexual politics, which we now share with our readers.

US Elections: A statement from Judith Butler

Trump – Scott Long

Winter in America: Jack Halberstam

What Happened on Election Day – Paul Krugman – New York Times

The Nightmare Begins – Adam Shatz

An American Tragedy – New Yorker

Trumped – The Berer Blog

A Time for Refusal – New York Times

Politics Is the Solution – Jacobin

Welcome to the Fight – The Nation

Sound the Trumpet – openDemocracy

How Neoliberalism Prepared The Way For Donald Trump – Zygmunt Bauman

Voters Just Delivered a Mandate to a Pack of Absolute Fiends and Monsters – Alternet

Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit – The Intercept

After the Moment: The Death of US Exceptionalism? – Jadaliyya

Palestine after the US Elections: Discipline and Dissonance – Jadaliyya

The incendiary appeal of demagoguery in our time – New York Times

The Trump presidency and US foreign policy – Pambazuka News

Donald Trump to Become Next President of the United States -Rewire

What Happens to Abortion and Trans Rights in the Courts Under a Trump Administration? – Rewire

The Future of LGBT Rights Under President Trump Is Not Pretty -The Cut

Mike Pence Will Be the Most Powerful Christian Supremacist in U.S. History – The Intercept

Woman Leading Planned Parenthood ‘Witch Hunt’ Joins Trump’s Transition Team – The Cut

Young Women Around the Globe React to Trump’s Shock Win – Vice

Trump Reminds Us the Racial Justice Movement Is Growing – The Nation

It Was the Rise of the Davos Class That Sealed America’s Fate – Readers Supported News

We Really Should Not Be Encouraging a Twitter Presidency – Mother Jones

John Oliver Demands Americans Fight Against Normalizing Donald Trump

Bullying in Schools Is Out of Control Since Election Day – Mother Jones

Here’s Why It’s Fair—and Necessary—to Call Trump’s Chief Strategist a White Nationalist Champion- Mother Jones

Dear White People: What Are You Willing to Sacrifice for a Worried Muslim Woman Like Me? – Mother Jones

What to Do About Trump? The Same Thing My Grandfather Did in 1930s Vienna – Tabletmag

A dark vision of America prevails, as Donald J. Trump is elected the next US president – Quartz

This Is What White Supremacy Looks Like – The Nation

Trump and Trumpism: Reflections on post US elections geopolitics – Yash Tandon – Pambazuka

Zakes Mda on Trump victory: Africans must take their own lead, not look to the US – Mail & Guardian

The Futility of Presidential Policy Recommendations – Jadaliyya

Why authoritarian leaders worldwide may be thrilled with Trump’s win – Public Radio International

GV Face: Trump Wins. Now What? – Global Voices

US aid for women’s sexual health worldwide under threat – The Guardian

We Would Have Had to Deal with a White Nationalist Movement Either Way – Jadaliyya

Schadenfreude circa 2016 – Jadaliyya

Vigils and protests swell across U.S. in wake of Trump victory – Washington Post

How cartoonists around the world have reacted to Donald Trump’s victory – Independent

A dismal day for human rights in the US – AlJazeera

Angela Merkel Issues Not-So-Subtle Warning To Donald Trump After His Presidential Win – Huffington Post

Donald rump’s Victory Promises to Upend the International Order – New York Times

French Far Right Leader Le Pen: Trump Win Boosts Her Chances- The New York Times

Does Donald Trump’s victory presage a win for Marine Le Pen? – The Economist

A rightwing supreme court could be Donald Trump’s most insidious legacy – The Guardian

Trump backs supreme court on same-sex marriage but not abortion – The Guardian

I worry this will empower racists’: US Muslims on Trump’s victory – The Guardian

The Guardian view on President-Elect Donald Trump: a dark day for the world

Why were the election polls so wrong? How Donald Trump defied predictions – The Guardian

How Donald Trump swept to an unreal, surreal presidential election win – The Guardian

Civil Society Statements

Statement on US Election Result: Solidarity in Human Rights and Justice for all – Resurj

Joining together in solidarity following the election of Trump, USA – International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion

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