Sexuality Policy Watch

The Charlie Hebdo episode

Any critical revisiting of 2015 will inevitably address the tragic episodes of Paris that left behind 17 dead people, including the journalists and cartoonists from Charlie Hebdo. Among  other effects this murderous attack reactivated the schematic visions on the conflict between West and Islam. Given that the questions and arguments triggered by these episodes are not unrelated to sexual politics tensions and debates at global and national levels, as for example in respect to freedom of expression, SPW compiled a series of articles that scrutinize the complexities and pitfalls of the debate around what happened in Paris in January 2015.

Why I am not Charlie – Scott Long

Slavoj Žižek on the Charlie Hebdo massacre: Are the worst really full of passionate intensity?

Unmournable Bodies – Teju Cole

Why Charlie Hebdo attack is not about Islam – Mark Levine

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