Sexuality Policy Watch

COVID-19, Warehouses and Platform Workers

Logistics Firms Have Used the Pandemic to Boost Profits and Make Workers More Precarious – Jacobin

The real cost of Amazon – Vox

Explosive resignation at Amazon highlights the very worst of modern-day capitalism – The Canary

Coronavirus pandemic leaves gig economy workers exposed – Politico

Covid-19: who will protect gig workers, if not platforms? – Social Europe

Coronavirus: Gig economy workers ‘fall between cracks’ – BBC

The impact of COVID-19 on African gig workers — and what needs to be done – Devex

It’s a No-Win for Gig Workers in the Covid-19 Moment – Bot Populi

Where next for the gig economy and precarious work post COVID-19? – LSE

Amazon faces backlash over Covid-19 safety measures – BBC

“They Don’t Think Our Lives Matter as Much as Theirs” – Jacobin

Amazon Is Struggling to Pay Workers in Quarantine – The Atlantic

Eighth Amazon warehouse worker dies from COVID-19 – NBC

Amazon warehouse workers interviewed by New York attorney general in retaliation probe – NBC

Workers have been left to save capitalism from COVID-19 – The Global and Mail

When Barnes and Noble Warehouse Workers Got Sick, They Organized and Won – Bot Populi

How big unions smooth the way for Amazon worker protests – Reuters

Rochdale JD Sports warehouse ‘should close’ after coronavirus cases – BBC

Amazon warehouse workers sue over risk of COVID-19 infection – The Verge

Amazon warehouse workers strike in Germany over COVID-19 conditions – Tech Crunch

Amazon fires two tech workers who criticized the company’s warehouse workplace conditions – Washington Post

Warehouse Workers in a Bind as Virus Spikes in Southern California – New York Times

COVID-19 Exposes Toxic Workplaces for Warehouse Employees – MH&L

UK: Warehouse workers report social distancing concerns & COVID-19 infection risk; Unions call on retailers to prioritise worker safety – Buseinnes and Huma Rigths


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