Sexuality Policy Watch

COVID-19, refugees and migrants: compilation (March – June)



Laid Off and Locked Up: Virus Traps Domestic Workers in Arab States – NY Times


Racism, Migratism, Covid, by Alyosxa Tudor – Feminist Review

Homesickness, by Jacob Breslow – Feminist Review

PM Launches Employment Scheme for Migrant Workers From Poll-Bound Bihar – The Wire

Undocumented Farmworkers Are Refusing COVID Tests for Fear of Losing Their Jobs – Truthout

Trump responds to COVID-19 spike by cracking down on immigration – Truthout

For Migrants in Russia, Virus Means No Money To Live and No Way To Leave – NYT

Government Has Created an Archive of Distress, a Museum of Misery For Migrant Workers – The Wire

‘The Impact of COVID-19 on Displaced LGBTI Persons’ – Rainbow Railroad

Bangladesh garment factories reopen despite coronavirus threat to workers – The Guardian

Qatar’s migrant workers beg for food as Covid-19 infections rise – The Guardian

Crosses on our heads to ‘cure’ Covid-19: refugees report abuse by Croatian police – The Guardian

Greece ready to welcome tourists as refugees stay locked down in Lesbos – The Guardian

Coronavirus cases among refugees on Lesbos spark fresh calls for evacuation – The Guardian

More than 15,000 Rohingya refugees quarantined amid efforts to contain virus in Bangladeshi camps – The Washington Post

Northwest Syria: The spread of COVID-19 could become critical – Relief Web

Iraq: 2020 Internal Displacement Crisis Humanitarian Situation Report – UN Children’s Fund

Jadaliyya Co-Editor Ziad Abu-Rish Analyzes Lebanon’s Uprising in the Context of Multiple Crises – Jadaliyya

Can coronavirus be contained in conflict zones? – Al Jazeera

Key Considerations for COVID-19 Management in Marginalised Populations in Southeast Asia: Transnational Migrants, Informal Workers, and People Living in Informal Settlements – IDS

Key Considerations: COVID-19 in the Context of Conflict and Displacement – Myanmar – IDS

COVID-19 and the Necessity of Muslim Family Law Reform in the Arab World – Jadaliyya

The Role of Diasporic Structures in Crisis Governance During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic – Jadaliyya

The scandal of refugees left to rot in the pandemic – Red Flag

Labour migrant rights under spotlight as Thailand wrestles with COVID-19 impact – Global Voices

Stranded Nepali migrant workers protest to return home, Nepali government drags its feet – Global Voices

Police are using lockdown to charge, fine, and intimidate refugee activists – Red Flag




In the Gulf, migrant workers fear for their future – openDemocracy

The Sinister Logic of Trump’s Immigration Freeze – The Atlantic

The price of confinement: The impact of COVID-19 on LGBTQI+ refugees’ community in Lebanon – Arab Foundation For Freedoms & Equality

Exclusive: Most support UK citizenship for migrant frontline workers – openDemocracy

Bangladesh: Rohingya Refugees Stranded at Sea – HRW

COVID-19 creates more uncertainty for migrant workers in India – Global Voices

Indigenous migrant women from Venezuela: extremely vulnerable to COVID-19 – openDemocracy

Stuck in a foreign land with no passport or work – openDemocracy

I’m an Immigrant Doctor Treating COVID-19 Patients. Death Isn’t My Only Fear Right Now. – Commom Dreams

How COVID-19 is limiting healthcare access for refugees in Lebanon – The New Humanitarian

Lebanon’s refugee restrictions could harm everyone’s health – HRW

‘Clean city-state’ image of Singapore shows double-standards in its treatment of migrants in times of COVID-19 – Global Voices



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