Sexuality Policy Watch

COVID-19 and indigenous people


Indigenous groups in Canada, Australia, Brazil brace for coronavirus – Washington Post


Why has Navajo Nation been hit so hard by the coronavirus? – Al Jazeera

Indian Country, where residents suffer disproportionately from disease, is bracing for coronavirus – Washington Post

Latin America


Ecuador: Indigenous community use tradition to keep COVID-19 out – Al Jazeera

Indigenous leaders: Help us stop oil companies drilling in Amazon – Al Jazeera


Experiment with prohibited Ivermectina on Kukama people in Nauta – Radio Ucamara


Yanomami launch global campaign as goldminers and Covid-19 endanger entire tribe – Survival International

Yanomami mothers beg for their babies’ bodies – Web 24

Land seizures and COVID-19: the twin threats to Brazil’s Indigenous Peoples – Amnesty International

Reporting COVID-19’s effects on Indigenous peoples in Brazil – International Journalists’ Network

For Brazil’s Indigenous communities, pandemic revives memories of earlier plagues – Science Mag

Overview of COVID-19 within Indigenous Population in Brazil – Emergencia Indígena

‘We are facing extermination’: Brazil losing a generation of indigenous leaders to Covid-19 – The Guardian

Brazil’s indigenous hit especially hard by COVID-19: why so vulnerable? – Mongabay

As the virus spreads, Brazil’s Amazon gold rush keeps going – fuelling fears for indigenous groups – Unearthed

Brazil’s coronavirus Hunger Games: Indigenous communities and their struggle for survival – openDemocracy

Sebastião Salgado: ‘We are on the eve of a genocide’: Brazil urged to save Amazon tribes from Covid-19 – The Guardian

Brazilian Indigenous Peoples Confront Double Threat of Covid-19 and Bolsonaro Policies – Americas Program

Brazilian doctors medevac indigenous COVID-19 cases to Amazon city – Reuters

Brazil’s indigenous people could face a ‘genocide’ as their coronavirus death rate soars even higher than the rest of the hard-hit country – Business insider

Water and food shortages challenge the prevention of coronavirus on the largest indigenous reserve in Brazil – UN

Coronavirus threatens remote Indigenous communities in the Amazon – Al Jazeera

COVID-19: Lessons from the Yanomami – NY Times


Não são números, são vidas: a ameaça da COVID-19 aos povos indígenas da Amazônia brasileira – IPAM & COIAB

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