Sexuality Policy Watch

Tag Archives: race/ethnicity

Turkey: read a series of news on recent cases of violance against LGBt people in this country.

The Sexuality Policy Watch (SPW) is participating at the VIII International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS) Conference, in Madrid, Spain, from 6th to 9th July 2011, organizing the session Regional dynamics in Sexuality and politics: common threads and differences (July 8th) and participating in the panel Electronic Sociability, Gender, Sexuality and Internet Regulation (July 9th), organized by APC-WNSP. Read more.

Read Towards a Future Without Fundamentalisms and Feminists on the Frontline: Case Studies of Resisting and Challenging Fundamentalisms, two reports by AWID.

> Judith Butler refuses Berlin Pride Civil Courage Prize 2010 (No Homonationalism) > Judith Butler 1 – Homonationalism 0 (Bully Bloggers) > Judith Buter turns

By Rosalind Petchesky and Sonia Corrêa* Judith Butler’s refusal to receive the Berlin Christopher Street Day (Gay Pride) Civil Courage Prize echoed ideas we have

First panel – Sexuality, States and Political Processes Morning—August 24 , 2009 The panel that followed was coordinated by Sérgio Carrara, co-director of the Latin

The UN Conference against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, held in Geneva during April 2009, was a follow up to the Conference in Durban, South Africa, in 2001, and its Declaration and Plan of Action (DDPA).

This session would aim to peel away the layers of meaning that exist between the personal and political. It would cover religion, culture, class, sexualities,

It was agreed that the broad focus of the Dialogue would be on the politics of sexuality: the political processes, actors and outcomes that have

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