Sexuality Policy Watch

2011 – SPW at the VIII IASSCS Conference

logoThe Sexuality Policy Watch (SPW) is participating at the VIII International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS) Conference, entitled “Naming and Framing: The Making of Sexual (In)Equality”. The meeting is taking place in Madrid, Spain, from 6th to 9th July 2011, and focuses on the multiple ways that equality and inequality are articulated through sexuality.

The first SPW’s activity at VIII IASSCS Conference is the session Regional dynamics in Sexuality and politics: common threads and differences, which will share the outcomes of the project Regional Dialogues on Sexuality and Geopolitics, organized by SPW between 2009 and 2010 to discuss and think more deeply and complexly about shifts in the geopolitical landscape of the politics of sexuality in Asia, Latin America and Africa. This series of meetings took place in Hanoi, Vietnam (April, 2009), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (August, 2009), and Lagos, Nigeria (October, 2010), with the participation of researchers and activists from each region. This session will be held in this Friday, 8th July 2011, from 11:30am to 1:00pm, at room Aula 11, and Sonia Corrêa, the SPW’s Co-chair, will coordinate it, with the presenters:

State and sexual politics in Latin America: the challenges of breaking through
Mario Pecheny, Argentina

Sexualities and States in Asia: Identities and Population Mobility
Malu Marin, Philippines

SPW is also involved in the panel Electronic Sociability, Gender, Sexuality and Internet Regulation, organized by the Women’s Networking Support Programme of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC-WNSP), to present the findings of the Project EROTICS – Exploratory research on sexuality and ICTs, conducted in Brazil by SPW and the Latin American Center on Sexuality and Human Rights (CLAM). Sonia Corrêa will be the Chair of this session and other experts from Brazil, India, South Africa and the USA will be presenting APC’s groundbreaking EroTICs research. This panel will take place in this Saturday, July 9th 2011, from 11:45am to 1:15pm, at the room Aula 12, seeking to fill the gap about actual online activity and State regulation with empirical data about how individuals and groups use new media and digital platforms, and interventions by political players. The presenters are:

EROTICS-Brazil – Horacio Sívori, Brazil
EROTICS-India – Indira Maya Ganesh, India
EROTICS-USA – Kevicha Echols, USA
EROTICS- South Africa – Relebohile Moletsane

>> Read more at VIII IASSCS Conference website

>> Read more at APC website

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