Sexuality Policy Watch

Tag Archives: far-right

Español Articles in the news Informe preliminar CIDH, documenta el uso desproporcionado de la fuerza durante las manifestaciones de abril 2018, en Nicaragua – Iniciativa Mesoamericana

SPW has the pleasure to announce the recently published book Anti-Gender Campaigns in Europe: Mobilizing against Equality, edited by Roman Kuhar and David Paternotte. Description

Wendy Brown University of California, Berkeley Neoliberalism and neoconservatism are two distinct political rationalities in the contemporary United States. They have few overlapping formal characteristics,

In Italy too, academic freedom is under threat, and democracy along with it. Barely has the extreme right assumed power that its effects are already

We gather here our monthly briefing writing efforts on the international context in regard to the state of the art and developments of abortion rights

Since 2010’s political battles around gender have mushroomed globally involving a varied gamut of religious and secular forces. These frays became particularly frequent and vicious

Papers and articles Just as U.S. Media Does With MLK, Brazil’s Media Is Trying to Whitewash and Exploit Marielle Franco’s Political Radicalism – The Intercept

On Wednesday, February 14, Parkland suffered a violent episode of mass shooting at the Stoneman Douglas High School depicted by 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, who was

By Sonia Corrêa In the third week of October 2017, an array of openly right-wing formations comprised of the Catholic hierarchy, evangelical Christians, conservative psychologists

In Europe, the rise of the extreme right – which implies both the deepening of racism and a threat to gender and sexuality-related rights –

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