Sexuality Policy Watch

Tag Archives: Brazil

Mechanism for the granting of patents known as “pipeline” patents violates the Federal Constitution On November 28th, the National Federation of Pharmacists (FENAFAR), on behalf

Short film “The power of ‘body movements’” Interviewing Angela Collet, Aline Valentim and Valentina Homem During the 11th AWID International Forum, in the workshop The

By Alexandre Boer* The headquarter of the Brazilian gay organization SOMOS – Communication, Health & Sexuality, from Porto Alegre – capital of Rio Grande do

By Marina Maria* In the International Conference Dis/organized – Changing bodies, rights and cultures, carried out in June, in Peru, and promoted by the International

The Yokyakarta Principles have been translated into Portuguese and were launched in a series of events in Brazil, held in 2007, in Porto Alegre (August 24th), Rio de Janeiro (August 27th), Nova Iguaçu (August, 31st), and São Paulo (August, 31st).

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