Sexuality Policy Watch

Sexuality & Art

Cheryl Donegan is a prolific feminist performer and visual artist, whose work is currently being exposed at the New Museum in New York . Donegan’s

Originally posted on The Nation. Available at: Sleeping Nude (Marie-Thérèse Walter), 1932, Pablo Picasso, private collection. The woman’s body is the unspoken subject of

The North American black artist Nona Faustini has recently developed a remarkable photography project. She staged a series of nude photographs in urban locations across

In late 2015, a highly regressive ‘Statute on the Family’ was approved by a Special Committee of the Brazilian Congress. Around that same time, the

In searching for English written information on the Brazilian photographer Ana Lira, we have accidentally found the remarkable work of another artist-designer whose art also

 In the trails of the “feminist occupations’ of 2015 SPW expands further the space for young Brazilian feminists artists whose works reflect the spirit of

Ana Mendieta was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1948, and died in 1985. Her early death, in 1985, in New York, triggered was highly controversial,

This Orchid image drawn by Brigitte Ritcher was used in the materialsof Inter Visibilidad, Visibilidad Intersex Forum, held at the Human Rights Commission of the Federal

Rodobrás is a work by Virginia de Medeiros, a Brazilian visual artist who, for many years, has portrayed — in photos, videos and installations —

In SPW Newsletter nº8 (2010), we higlighted Zanele Muholi’s artwork about queer identities in South Africa. By that time, the Minister of Arts and Culture

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