Launching FRIDA’s 5th call for proposals
Source: Frida Fund Are you a young, feminist group from the Global South? Are you working towards creating a more gender-just world? We would love
Call for Papers: Gender and New Wars
This workshop will bring together key scholars working across different disciplines in order to examine how gender is constructed in new wars and the consequences and/or advantages of new gender relations. It seeks to bring together emerging work on the formation, contestation and transformation of gender relations in new wars.
Partner for Law in Development’s newsletter
Here is the latest edition (Vol. 9 (IV) July- August 2016) of our bi-monthly newsletter – covering significant UN updates, international events, national judgments and policy related developments relating to gender, sexuality and culture that took place in the months of July and August.
Decolonising psychology creates possibilities for social change
Psychologists drew historically from theories of social Darwinism and eugenics to espouse the hierarchical categorisation of people into race groups. African people were posited as the least human of all.
Repeal the Eighth: putting intersectionality into practice
A long-established conservative media frames the terms of abortion politics in Ireland. The pro-choice activism challenges dominant discourses with the inclusivity and diversity of the movement exemplifying how to put intersectionality into practice.
The New Development Bank – Did it backfire?
There might be many reasons, but the main one is the unconditional defense of the radicalization of democracy and the promotion of human rights, both in Brazil and abroad. What does that have to do with BRICS?
SRI statement on the HRC’s maternal mortality resolution
Originally posted at the Sexual Rights Initiative’s website in 2016. Human Rights Council adopts resolution on preventable maternal mortality and morbidity and human rights in the
Did an Anti-LGBT Panic Help Defeat Colombia’s Peace Deal?
Read the full article on American Quarterly When thousands of Colombians protested on August 10 to demand the resignation of the country’s openly gay education
Africa, homophobia and Western hypocrisy
Listening carefully to the at times homophobic and hateful commentary about homosexuality among Africans, a social critique of the international community and the local elite is heard. Dislike of homosexuality is used to protest at the levels of inequality and how corrupt African leaders continue to be supported by the West. The white savior complex ruins rather than helps the cause of LGBTI rights in Africa.
The Contradictions, Resilience, and Creativity of Black Feminism in South Africa
Originally posted by Maneo Mohale at Bitch Media on 19/09/2016. Available at: Maneo Mohale is the 2016 Bitch Media Writing Fellow in Global Feminism.