Sexuality Policy Watch

Luiza Prado: Memories of Violence

Luiza PradoWhen rape and sexual violence invaded the public debate in Brazil, SPW brings, once again,  attention to the work of Luiza Jesus Prado.This Brazilian artist born in the Rio Paraíba valley between Rio and São Paulo has a vast production in photography and design but also in performative, video and body art. One of her main points of departure are personal experiences with violence and sexual abuse. She has developed as well aesthetic exercises with other persons who have also gone through similar experiences. Her art research also addresses the demise of indigenous peoples of Brazil, poverty in large cities, but also the life world of the valley where he was born and neighbouring Mantiqueira mountains. In Colombia, Luiza has developed art projects with victims of the civil war and in Germany, where she currently lives, she has also directly engaged with the current immigration and refugee crisis.

To see Luiza Prado art work

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