Sexuality Policy Watch

Adriana and the “Business of Sex”

José Miguel Olivar Nieto, the author of the drawing Adriana is a social communicator. He has  a master degree in Latin American Literature from the Universidad Javeriana (Bogota, Colombia) and a PhD in Social Anthropology from  the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Since the year 2000 he has worked in research and in educational programs on issues of sexuality, gender and human rights in Colombia and Brazil. Adriana pertain to a series of images drawn in the course of the field work for his doctoral thesis on street of prostitution women’s policies, with the Center for Research in Anthropology of the Body and Health (NUPACS / UFRGS, 2010), later published as book Becoming Puta: Street prostitution policies in the experience of qautro women activists (Rio de Janeiro: Eduerj).

Since 2010 José Miguel is a researcher at the Center for PAGU Gender Studies / UNICAMP, on gender, sex markets, illegalities and territorial borders. He is presently developing the research project “Gender in border areas and cross-border in contemporary Brazilian Amazon.” Besides published writings in Spanish and Portuguese, Jose Miguel Olivar co-authored with Sonia Corrêa the  article “The Politics of prostitution in Brazil: between State” neutrality “and feminist” troubles “,  published in The Business of  Sex  (Laxmi Murthi and Meena Seeshu, editors, Zuban Books, 2013)


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