Sexuality Policy Watch

Putas Against COVID-19 in Brazil

Prostitution is recognized as a profession by the Ministry of Labor in Brazil. It is a foundational economy for thousands of families and red light districts in the country. Sex workers, like the majority of autonomous workers, have seen their possibilities for income all but disappear with the coronavirus pandemic.  Organizations supporting sex workers in Brazil have mobilized to raise resources and supplies through online campaigns and tireless work with local authorities to raise funds, food, and cleaning supplies. Following the World Health Organization’s social isolation guidelines, the organizations have created virtual channels to facilitate communication with colleagues who need support and don’t know how to access the aid to be offered by federal and state governments.

Here, we have brought together all these campaigns and actions – organized city by city – to bring attention to what is being done and to facilitate much needed donations and connections with local groups. For those wishing to donate to these various groups and movements in foreign currencies, please send a message or post here indicating which organization you’d like to donate to and we will work with you to make it happen.

This list is dynamic, so if there are additional initiatives that you know about, just let us know and we will add them! Support puta actions against COVID-19!

Belém, PA

GEMPAC:  The organization registered women in the downtown area of Belem to receive food baskets and is working together with pubic officials to guarantee that that the support promised by the State makes it to sex workers. A virtual channel was also opened up to facilitate communication with sex workers about Covid-19, along with a food drive for sex workers and their family. Soon more information will be available about a campaign to raise money for these efforts.



Belo Horizonte, MG

Aprosmig: Aprosmig has organized a campaign to receive donations of money, food, and cleaning and hygiene products sex workers and street people. The Association is working with local government and the hotels of the Rua Guaicurus red light district to ensure room and board for those who are sheltering in place in the hotels, which are currently closed:


Contact: Cida Vieira (31) 99723-8025

Cash Donations:

Caixa Econômica

Agencia: 0084

Conta: 53456-0

OP: 013


Coletivo Clã das Lobas: The Collective is working together with the Coletivo Rebu to aid the women in the Rua dos Guaicurus hotels and the surrounding area by organizing a collection to buy food and cleaning and hygiene products.

Collection: “Juntas Somos Mais Fortes”:

Contacts: Jade (31) 99549-5368


Travest: This NGO offers financial aid and free psychological treatment to travesti and transgendered people who sell sex in the city. They are also collecting resources:


Contact: Duda Salabert, WhatsApp: (31) 99398-3571


Brasília and the surrounding region:

Tulipas do Cerrado: This group has produced and educational campaign with advice geared towards sex professionals for the prevention of coronavirus transmission. They are also collecting hygiene material, food, clothes, money and water.

More information about donations and the campaign:

Contact for donations: Juma Santos (61) 8223-1975

Cash donations:

Tulipas do Cerrado

CNPJ: 31.823.188/0001-00

Banco do Brasil

Agencia 1230-0

CC: 55.105-8


Campina Grande, PB

CIPMAC: This group has created a virtual campaign and information channel regarding  COVID-19 via Whatsapp with information regarding health, care, work, and rights. The organization is also registering its associated women to receive food and cleaning and hygiene supplies. They are accepting donations of food and money.

More information:

Contact: Milene (83) 98687-7478

Cash donations:

Banco do Brasil

Agencia: 1634-9

Conta corrente: 16.205-1

João Pessoa 

APROS-PB:  The Association is working with local government to put together basic food ration baskets and personal hygiene kits for prostitutes in the Greater João Pessoa Region.

Contact: Luza (83) 98872-0955



APRORN: The Association is putting together basic food ration baskets for the city’s sex workers, working with local government and through donation. They have opened up a virtual channel to facilitate communication to and between prostitutes regarding Covid -19 and to direct help to sex workers during this moment of social isolation.

Contact: Diana Soares (84) 98806-5395, (84) 3033-1651


SEMTAS – Secretaria de Assistência Social de Natal.

The Social Assistance Secretariart is receiving donations to aid street people, refugeesm LGBT people and sex professionals at Av. Bernardo Vieira SEMTAS. Further information can be had at the contacts below.


(84) 98870 – 3327

(84) 98870 – 3861


APPS: The Association is mobilizing through its social networks and is linking people to support offered by the Women’s Secretariat of Pernambuco.

Contact: Vania Rezende (81) 8345-6766


Rio de Janeiro

 AMOCAVIM: The Association is organizing a campaign to channel resources, food, and cleaning products to the sex professionals, workers and residents of the Vila Mimosa red light district. Through partnerships with the Work Secretariat, the Catholic association Caritas, and CasaNem, it has gathered some basic food ration baskets for the women of the Vila and continues to work to widen its partnerships and raise more resources and donations.

More information:

Contact: Cleide Almeida (21) 96446-9120

Cash donations:


Agencia 0408

Conta Corrente 53121-8


Agencia 2489

CC 17549-8

CasaNem/Transrevolução: CasaNem is working with the Puta Davida Collective and is affiliated with the International Homeless Front – FIST – and the Brazilian Network of  LGBTQIA Shelters. CasaNem is organizing an online campaign directing resources, food, basic ration baskets, and cleaning products for the 65 inhabitants of the Casa and other LGBT people in situations of social vulnerability.

More information:

Contact: Instagram @casanem_  WhatsApp: (21) 96829-0296


Cash donations:

Grupo Transrevolução

CNPJ: 27.720.290/0001-02

Banco do Brasil

Agencia 3114-3

Conta Corrente:



São Luiz

APROSMA: With almost all brothels closed, APROSMA is working with the state Human Rights Secretariat  to distribute basic ration baskets to prostitutes and other needy populations in the downtown area.

Contact: Maria de Jesus Almeida Costa (98) 8419-0077

São Paulo

Mulheres da Luz: The NGO has organized a campaign to aid the women it helps in Luz Park, a stroll in downtown São Paulo that is currently closed, and the areas around Luz, Sé, Praça Dom Pedro and the Anhangabaú Valley. As part of this Campaign, the NGO is accepting cash donations and food and hygiene products (such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and liquid or gel alcohol).

More information:


Instagram: @ongmulheresdaluz

National Level:

ANTRA – Associação Nacional de Travestis e Transexuais: Employing its site and, Facebook and Instagram accounts, ANTRA is publicizing many informational campaighs regarding COVID-19 and providing important advice, directed towards sex workers, regarding health tips and government programs. It is also publicizing campaigns underway to raise resources and donations and to support travestis and transexuals in Brazil.




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