Sexuality Policy Watch

Report on Human Rights of Intersex People in South Africa

On 11 December 2017, Intersex South Africa, the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, the Foundation for Human Rights and Iranti joined activists and members of the intersex community in the first largescale engagement with government on matters of intersex genital mutilation, infanticide, healthcare procedures and standards of living. Representatives of Intersex South Africa (ISSA) shared their stories, while medical, legal and academic representatives provided input.

Captura de Tela 2018-04-11 às 14.50.52

Every year on 7 April is World Health Day – a day marking the establishment of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and an opportunity to draw worldwide attention to a subject of major importance to global health. Under this year’s them of #HealthForAll, we release the South African report on the National Engagement on the Promotion and Protection of the Human Rights of Intersex People.

The National Report reflects some of the conversations that took place on 11 December 2017, at a meeting co-hosted by Intersex South Africa, the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, the Foundation for Human Rights and Iranti.

It is clear to us that #HealthForAll cannot be achieved while human rights violations continue to take place in medical settings. We release this report in the hope that it will increase awareness of issues facing the intersex community in South Africa, and stimulate civil society, medical health practitioners, parents, and other actors to urgently address violations with the urgency they deserve, working hand in hand with intersex activists to co-create solutions.

We hope this moment also marks the beginning of a joint sustained effort with government to address the human rights violations against intersex people in the country and the region, and we ask you to walk this journey with us until every intersex child and adult is free from violence and harm based on their sex characteristics, and experience of their right to the highest attainable access to health.

Watch here.

Source: Lungile Maquba, Intersex South Africa Coordinator; Joshua Sehoole, Iranti Advocacy Manager (SOGI-list)

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