Sexuality Policy Watch

UN and ARC Evaluation Reports

Published December 2014 in

As part of our commitment to community dialogue, self-reflection and strategic analysis, ARC commissioned two external evaluation reports in 2014: one assessing SOGII advocacy at the UN over the past 10 years, including challenges, successes and next steps, and one assessing ARC’s own role, including positive contributions, areas where our work could be strengthened and possible future directions.

We are very grateful to the research team: Jack Byrne from New Zealand, Dodo Karsay from Hungary and Lucas Paoli from Brazil, as well as to the more than 100 people (including community-members, allies, diplomats and UN staff) who contributed to the two projects by sharing their views through survey responses and interviews.

We look forward to engaging in dialogue on how the findings can contribute to strengthening global LGBTI advocacy in the years to come.

How far has SOGII advocacy come at the UN and where is it heading?
Assessing sexual orientation, gender identity, and intersex activism and key developments at the UN 2003–2014
ARC International and its first 10 years:
Assessing ARC’s contributions to SOGII activism and UN achievements since 2003

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