Sexuality Policy Watch

News from Paraguay

Sent by Airea na and translated by Mulabi


On Thursday, July 24, Airea na (lesbian rights group) organized a round table under the title “Thoughts on an inclusive State”. At the round table, five female ministers and vice-ministers for the new Paraguayan government – Esperanza Martínez (Health), Lilian Soto (Public Office), Liz Torres (Children and Adolescents), Gloria Rubin (Women) and Karina Rodríguez (Youth) discussed the inclusion of sexual diversity in public policies.

All of them agree on the need to provoke of cultural change, to be achieved through a human rights framework under which all individuals are entitled to all rights. Esperanza Martinez highlighted the importance of universal public health policies, covering the entire population. Lilian Soto stressed the need to develop a training plan for public officers and the inclusion of non-discrimination as criteria for accessing and keeping State jobs. Liz Torres explained that respect for sexual diversity was a challenge for the Children and Adolescent Secretary, that is already working under a human rights framework aimed at including the whole range of human rights for children and adolescents. Karina Rodriguez noted that the support of youth civil society organizations was key to develop public policies that are inclusive of LGBT youth. Gloria Rubin referred to the difficulties for advancing these issues in a conservative society while expressing her deep commitment to implement inclusive policies and the support she will provide to the bill against discrimination that is currently being discussed (Note: It is a very broad bill that includes sexual orientation and was developed by civil society and political parties, including the now ruling coalition).

For Airea na, the fact that “all” female cabinet members in the new government had agreed to be present at the round table and to discuss their concerns and commitments to build an inclusive state where all people are entitled to all rights with the audience and with society as a whole is historic. As an organization, this achievement makes us even more committed to influencing policies with the aim of generating political and cultural changes that will allow us all to live in a society with more justice and less discrimination.

The round table took place in the context of the 4th Asuncion LesBiGayTrans Movie Festival.

Airea na

Alejandra Sardá
Mulabi- Espacio Latinoamericano de Sexualidades y Derechos
García Lorca 55 – Buenos Aires – Argentina
(54 11) 49 88 15 31 /

:: Published on 09/23/08

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