Sexuality Policy Watch

2018 Pride Day in Iran


July 27 is Pride Day in Iran. It’s been the 9th following year that the 4th Friday of July (1st Fri of Mordad in Persian calendar) is named & celebrated as Iran Pride Day.

Although being queer is officially illegal & same-sex sexual conduct could be punished by death in Iran, LGBTIQs inside the country celebrate this day in their own way and share it with hashtag #IranPride on social media.

The “Rainbows” (Ranginkamaniha in Persian) established this day. The group releases a statement each year. This year’s statement is focused on “Fighting for Diversity”.

Here is brief translation of some outlines:

“We’ve spoke of the power of colors and diversity last year and we speak about the importance of defending it today. No matter if the darkness attacks the light full power nor if it can’t tolerate the colors diversity, we stay alive, we live and we fight to defend colors and light.”
“Every single human being should have the same dignity and rights regardless of race, language, religion, gender, etc. Nobody should be forced to loose it’s true color and unify with the color of ‘norm’.”
“We are not sentenced to obey the predetermined identities… Each person is a unique color. Staying together is our identity, same as the colors of rainbow… We are from different colors and we defend the diversity of all colors with all our power.”


The full statement (Persian) is published here.

Follow #IranPride official event social media accounts:

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