Sexuality Policy Watch

India: Abortion of 24-week foetus allowed by Supreme Court

SC allows abortion of 24-week foetus, but why should women go to court in the first place?

The Supreme Court on Monday permitted a woman in Mumbai to abort her 24 week foetus on the grounds that continuing with the pregnancy could endanger the life of the woman. Abortion is legal in India, but it’s not at will, it’s only permissible if it would involve a risk to the health of the pregnant woman.

The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act makes a distinction between twelve weeks and twenty weeks. Under twelve weeks, an abortion can be prescribed by one doctor and after twelve weeks an abortion has to be be prescribed by two. If the pregnancy exceeds twenty weeks you go into the grey area of Section 5 of the Act which says that a medical practitioner, may in good faith, terminate a pregnancy if they feel it is necessary to immediately save the life of a woman.

Read the full article at First Post

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