The Brazilian Association of Studies on Homoculture (ABEH) released the first version of the schedule, the menu of group themes, and the composition of the scientific commission of the VI International Conference of Studies on Sexual and Gender Diversity that is going to take place at UFBA (Federal University of Bahia) in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, on August 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 2012.
The theme of the conference is Memories, routes and perspectives of the studies of sexual and gender diversity. Those who are interested in presenting papers at the conference must send the abstracts directly to the groups, through our website (information will be released at The submission has to be made from February 1st to March 31st, 2012. Check the schedule, the menu of the groups, and who is part of the scientific commission.
August 1st, 2012
4pm – Checking in
6pm – Official Opening
7pm to 9pm – Session 1 – Critical notes on studies of sexual and gender diversity
Conference of Jack Halberstam (USA – confirmed)
August 2nd, 2012
8:30pm – 12pm – Session 2 – From the pioneers to the present: the trajectory and challenges of sexual and gender diversity in Brazil
Confirmed conferences: Sérgio Carrara (UERJ – Brazil), Mário Lugarinho (USP – Brazil), Tânia Swain (UnB – Brazil) and Berenice Bento (UFRN – Brazil).
2pm – 4pm – Paper Presentations
4pm – Break
4:30pm – 6:30pm – Paper Presentations
7pm – 9:30pm – Session 3 – An evaluation of the studies of sexual and gender diversity in Latin America
Confirmed conferences: Mauro Cabral (Argentina), Antônio Marquet (Mexico) and Guilherme Almeida (UERJ – Brazil).
August 3rd, 2012
8:30 pm to 12 pm – Session 4 – Studies and Politics of sexual and gender diversity: collaborations and tensions
Confirmed conferences: Ana Cristina Santos (Coimbra University – Portugal), Elisabeth Vasquez (Equator Trans Movement), Rafael de la Dehasa (NYU – USA) and Luiz Mello (UFG – Brazil)
2pm – 4pm – Paper Presentations
4pm – Break
4:30pm – 6:30pm – Paper Presentations
7pm – General Assembly and election of the new directorship.
9pm – Closing
Thematical groups
Accepts papers that discuss tradition and contemporaneity in homoerotic representations; poetics and aesthetics, corporeality and sexualities in cinema, dramaturgy, dance, staging, visual arts, performance, fashion and urban interventions.
Accepts papers that discuss the relationships between medias – television, newspapers, magazines, radio, cinema and internet – and sexual and gender diversity, and how these medias have been marking the subject’s positions from categories of differentiation and from the intersection between gender, sexuality, race/ethnicity and other social markers. It also contemplates papers that discuss the relationship between social movements, identity and post-identity politics and communication.
Accepts papers that discuss issues of sexual diversity and the plurality of gender expressions within pedagogical processes of various types, in particular, the pedagogies of constructing masculinity and femininity and also the pedagogies of the construction of bodies and sexuality. The papers should take as themes the memories, routes, tensions and perspectives of the LGBT movement, scholar institutions, media products, public policy and the institutions that are responsible for constructing the consciousness of teachers. The connection of these themes with other social movements that take as a political question the relationship between genders and sexualities in Brazil or elsewhere is also part of the themes of interest in this group.
Histories, sociabilities and ethnographies
Accepts papers that discuss how practices and representations of sexualities, bodies and gender relations are lived in the historical, contingent, structural and structuring processes. Of special interest for this group is the debate about theintersectionalities and articulations between gender, race/ ethnicity and sexuality in a local perspective, in the migratory process, or in the commercial sex market.
Accepts papers on the history of gay literature in Brazil. Portraits of fiction and poetry about the gay identities in stories, memories and receptions in modern times and in the present. Critical studies and theorists that make it possible to gauge the paradigms and deconstruction between the aesthetic and the regent contexts. Expressions of homocultures in Latin America, USA, Europe and the Anglo-Saxon region in textualities of the literary: dialogues, representations and queer culture.
Politics: convergences/dissidences/matches/differences
Accepts papers that try to problematize two great groups of processes and questions. The first one is interest in the multiple intersections between the State, body, identity and the construction of political subjects, for example: regulation/discipline vs. freedom/autonomy; politics of identities/identity politics and governance of differences and politics of life management; sexual politics as globalities and localities; politics beyond the State (that is, beyond laws and formal institutions), states of emergency and hegemonic formations and contemporary multiple antagonisms. The second group is interested in the opposite of sexual politics, that is, the place of tensions within the boundaries of the sexual politic itself. This second group must discuss themes such as: the conflicts and disagreements between agendas based on identities, epistemological divergences, compliance and dissidence in relation to the formation of political discourses (scientific or governmental) about sexualities or re-definitions on the ethical field, of recognition or even the intelligibility from the prescriptions of sexualities, genders and their contestations.
Seeks to gather papers that discuss religions and their relation with sexual and gender diversity from an interdisciplinary and inter-religious perspective, through studies that investigate how the religious discourses and practices of the religious institutions act in the comprehension and configuration of identities and sexual and gender roles. This group is also interested in papers that discuss these questions and the religious phenomenon experienced in the Brazilian reality in a broader way. Papers on non-Christian religious traditions and studies interested in religious practices constructed from non-hetero-normative practices are encouraged.
Accepts papers on health, citizenship, and LGBTTTI’s sexual rights. Public politics and access to the health system. Vulnerability, means of discrimination, violence and LGBTTTI ways of life. Bodies, pleasures, subjectivities and the issue of medicalization of life.
Accepts papers that explore articulations between the registers of the subject and sexuality, having, as its focus, the forms of the subjective experience in contemporaneity and the investigation of their conditions of possibilities and their limits, particularly when the investigation problematizes hegemonic models of codifications and normatization or the relationship between subject, sex and truth. Papers will be prioritized that have as a starting point experiences of sexual diversity in relation to the Brazilian reality in its social-historical conditions.
Accepts papers in the fields of law, social sciences and anthropology that discuss the recognition and distribution of rights, alternative strategies of their range in relation to the articulation between social movements and the State, as well as the studies or reports of experiences of institutions associated with the execution of sexual rights such as, for example, the human rights reference centers interested in the LGBT cause and other initiatives.
Scientific commission
André Sidnei Musskopf (EST)
Antônio de Pádua (UEPB)
Állex Leilla (UEFS)
Claudia Mayorga (UFMG)
Djalma Thürler (UFBA)
Durval Muniz de Albuquerque Jr. (UFRN)
Eduardo Leal Cunha (UFS)
Emerson Inácio (USP)
Ernani Pinheiro Chaves (UFPA)
Fábio Camargo (UNIMONTES)
Fernando Pocahy (NIGS/UFSC)
Fernando Seffner (UFRGS)
Gisele Nussbaumer (UFBA)
Henrique Caetano Nardi (UFRGS)
Iara Beleli (Unicamp)
Juliana Perucchi (UFJF)
Leandro Colling (UFBA)
Larissa Pelúcio (Unesp)
Laura Moutinho (USP)
Luís Augusto Vasconcelos da Silva (UFBA)
Luis Felipe Rios do Nascimento (UFPE)
Marcelo Tavares Natividade (UFC)
Marco Aurélio Máximo Prado (UFMG)
Maria Thereza Ávila Dantas Coelho (UFBA)
Maurício Bragança (UFF)
Nádia Nogueira
Paula Sandrine Machado (UFRGS)
Paulo César García (UNEB)
Roberto Marques (URCA)
Rogério Diniz Junqueira (MEC/INEP)
Roger Raupp Rios (Ritter dos Reis)
Sandra Duarte de Souza (Universidade Metodista de São Paulo)
Sonia Corrêa (Observatório de Sexualidade e Política)
Suely Messeder (UNEB)
Wiliam Siqueira Peres (Unesp)
Wilton Garcia (UBC)