Sexuality Policy Watch

Lesbians and Gays of Botswana (LEGABIBO) joins World AIDS day march in Moshupa, Botswana, for the first time in such a public event

Today the Lesbians and Gays of Botswana (LEGABIBO) took part at the World AIDS day commemorations and march which took place in Moshupa a small village close to Gaborone, the capital city.

It was the first time for the LGBT to make such a presence at such an event attended by HE Ian Khama, government officials, diplomatic missions government departments, private sector, NGOs and general public.

The Botswana Network of Ethics, Law, HIV and AIDS (BONELA Director Uyapo Ndadi circulated a paper with ten reasons why Botswana will not reach zero HIV infection. One of the reasons was calling for legalising same sex relations in Botswana.

We continue to make small strides in the movement.

Munya Katumba is LEGABIBO Chairperson.

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