Originally posted on 13/05/2016 on the INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN FOR WOMEN’S RIGHT TO SAFE ABORTION’s website. Available at: https://www.safeabortionwomensright.org/news/ansirh-in-their-own-words-experiences-of-women-denied-abortions/
Even in countries with legal abortion, many women are unable to access a safe procedure for myriad reasons, including a lack of knowledge about the legal status of abortion, a lack of money to pay for the procedure, social stigma against abortion or, commonly, because they present for care too far along in pregnancy. This animated film portrays the barriers to legal abortion access in Bangladesh, Colombia, Nepal, South Africa, Tunisia, and the United States. It highlights the experiences of women denied legal abortion services and is narrated in their own languages. It is available with English, French, and Spanish subtitles.