Sexuality Policy Watch

COVID-19, economy and inequality: compilation (March – June)


Precarity in Times of Pandemic:Covid-19 and the crisis in India’s informal labor markets – Bot Populi

Pandemic Meets Precarity: The Case of Platform Delivery Work in Latin America – Bot Populi

When Barnes and Noble Warehouse Workers Got Sick, They Organized and Won – Truthout

Corporations Will Seize Opportunities to Profit From the Pandemic – Truthout

The GOP Is Getting Back to Business as Usual — Trying to Gut Social Programs – Truthout

India’s coronavirus pandemic shines a light on the curse of caste – The Conversation

Employees Can’t Seek Enforcement Of Normal Employment Terms When The Country Is Going Through Abnormal Times: Delhi HC [Read Order] – Live Law

India under lockdown: A threat to workers’ rights? – Al Jazeera

Without safe migration, economic recovery will be limited – Al Jazeera

Hawaii considers and explicitly feminist plan for COVID era economic recovery – Truth Out

Six ways capitalism spreads the crisis – Corporate Watch

Racist violence can’t be separated from the violence of neoliberal capitalism – Truth Out

Noam Chomsky: Amid Protests and Pandemic, Trump’s Priority Is Protecting Profits – Truth Out

Brazil’s battered job market faces new foe: Coronavirus – APN

Coronavirus related debt will live in digital profiles for years – The Conversation

If the neoliberal order is over, what comes next? – Red Flag

The economic crash is already ravaging Africa – Red Flag

How the rich plan to rule a burning planet – Red Flag

The pandemic’s geopolitical aftershocks are coming – The Atlantic

Politics Theory Other #88: A triple shock in the global south – Verso Blog

Covid-related fiscal issues could become new excuse to privatize drinking water – Truth Out

COVID-19 and the bankruptcy of neoliberalism in the context of Global Shift – openDemocracy

Termite Capitalism: how private equity is undermining the economy – openDemocracy

Has the coronavirus crisis killed neoliberalism? Don’t bet on it – The Guardian

Cash, Kisses and Karaoke: Why the War on Covid must not become a War on Cash – openDemocracy

COVID-19: Switching online is not an option in conflict-stricken countries in the Middle East – Global Voices

The inequalities exposed by this pandemic are about to get even worse – The Guardian

Covid-19 makes it clearer than ever: access to the internet should be a universal right – The Guardian


UNAIDS considera gastos com saúde e proteção social parte essencial da resposta econômica à COVID-19 – ONU

Merkel anuncia Plano de 130 mil milhões para relançar economic alemã – Executive Digest

Senado francês aprova novo seguro para apoiar empresas em caso de pandemia – Sapo

Espanha vai precisar de um resgate no outono, mas vão chamar-lhe de outra coisa, prevê economista – Sapo


BBVA pronostica hasta 18 millones de personas más en pobreza extrema en México por COVID-19 – Economia Hoy

Avanzan las políticas de ajuste en Uruguay – Pagina 12

El nuevo capitalismo de la pospandemia – Pagina 12

El retorno del Estado como rescatista – Pagina 12

La austeridad mata – Pagina 12


David Harvey: We Need a Collective Response to the Collective Dilemma of Coronavirus – Jacobin

Let’s stop pretending billionaires are in the same boat as us during this pandemic – The Guardian

France’s COVID-19 failures are the result of decades of austerity – Al Jazeera

Capitalism Has its Limits – Judith Butler – Verso.

Public health experts: Coronavirus could overwhelm the developing world – Washington Post

Don’t believe the myth that we must sacrifice lives to save the economy – The Guardian

We’re about to learn a terrible lesson from coronavirus: inequality kills – The Guardian

Covid-19 Is Becoming the Disease That Divides Us: By Race, Class and Age – Bloomberg

COVID-19 and Black Workers – Commom Dreams

COVID-19: capitalism’s mask has slipped – IWRAW Asia Pacific

Covid-19 Will Mark the End of Affluence Politics – Wired

Human Rights Day Letter to President Ramaphosa: Overcoming Inequality will help us overcome Covid-19– Maverick Citizen


Pretos em Alagoas têm 12 vezes mais chances de morrer em decorrência do coronavírus que brancos e pardos – G1


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