Sexuality Policy Watch

U.S. Supreme Court Lets Private Companies Deny Birth Control Coverage to Employees

The U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling allowing private companies to deny their employees insurance coverage for birth control under the Affordable Care Act’s preventive health provisions designed to greatly expand affordable health care services for all women in the U.S. The decision prompted strong reactions from human rights organizations underlining that it violates women’s autonomy, health rights, conscience and religious liberty. SPW has gathered analyses on the fact.

U.S. Supreme Court Lets Private Companies Deny Birth Control Coverage to Employees (Center for Reproductive Rights)

Supreme Court Hands Reins to Religious Extremists (Catholics for Choice)

A Minefield of Extreme Religious Liberty (New York Times)

The Political Repercussions of the Hobby Lobby Decision (New York Times)

‘Hobby Lobby’ Is Another Health-Care Barrier for Asian American and Pacific Islander Women (RH Reality Check)

A Right to Contraception Without Access Is a Disaster for the Black Community (RH Reality Check)

‘Hobby Lobby’ Decision Means Rights for Corporations, But Not for Vulnerable Citizens (RH Reality Check)

‘Hobby Lobby’ Is Part of a Greater War on Contraception (RH Reality Check)

‘Hobby Lobby’ Is Just the Beginning: A Flood of Corporate Religious Objections Is Coming (RH Reality Check)

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