Sexuality Policy Watch

Trans Barbie

A controversial exhibition titled “Invisible: transgressive nature” (in Spanish, Invisibles: Naturalezas transgresoras) organized by Decide-T at the University of Alicante, Spain, presented Trans Barbie dolls. Andrea Cano and photographer Manuel Antonio Velandia, after 50 years of Barbie, were responsible for the operation, which ended with the change of sex on the popular doll. Read more below:

>> What’s wrong with this picture? (The F Word)

>> La muñeca Barbie cambia de sexo y se hace transexual en la universidad pública (Libertad Digital Sociedad)

>>Empresa Mattel de Barbie al final da autorización para la exposición de muñecas transexuales en Alicante (Diario Digital Transexual)

>> Exposição polêmica na Espanha traz Barbies transexuais (Lambda Mozambique)

>> Artistas espanhóis transformam Barbies em transexuais (EncontroMix)

>> See some pictures presented during the exhibition

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