Sexuality Policy Watch

Two employees of Gays and Lesbians Association of Zimbabwe (GALZ) arrested

Two employees of Gays and Lesbians Association of Zimbabwe (GALZ) were arrested on May 21, 2010 after a  police raid on their offices. Police alleged to have found pornographic material. The activists complained they had been tortured. Ellen Chademana and Ignatius Muhambi were released on May 28 by paying USD 200 each, and were placed under stringent bail conditions including reporting to the police twice a week and surrendering their passports.

> Zimbabwe: Drop Charges Against Rights Defenders – Stop Attacks, Politically Motivated Prosecutions Against Gays and Lesbians, a letter by ARC-International, Human Rights Watch, International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, JASS-Just Associates, Protection International

> Gay workers freed by Zimbabwe court, Evening Standard

> Zim gay activists freed, iAfrica

> Persecuted Zimbabwean gays caught up in power struggle, Mail&Guardian online

> Zimbabwe Gay Activists Freed on Bail, Voice of America

> Zimbabwe police free gay rights activists, BBC

> Detained gay activists beaten and tortured by police, The Zimbabwe Telegraph

> Zimbabwean gay activists assaulted in prison, says lawyer, RFI

> Zimbabwe Police Raids Home of GALZ Director, RadioVop Zimbabwe

> Zimbabwe Gay Activists Charged With Insulting Robert Mugabe, OnTop Magazine

> GALZ pair accused of insulting Mugabe & possession of pornography, SW Radio Africa

> Zimbabwe Police Raid Gay Group Offices, Arrest Two, The Body

> Zimbabwean gay activists arrested, Pink News

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