Sexuality Policy Watch

After Years of Horrible Treatment in Prison, Chelsea Manning Will Soon Be Free

When it comes to Chelsea Manning, the former Army intelligence analyst who was sentenced to prison after leaking a trove of classified government data to Wikileaks in 2010, the question of whether her actions made her a patriot or a traitor is one reasonable people can debate. That debate will undoubtedly continue after the announcement on Tuesday that President Barack Obama had commuted Manning’s 35-year sentence—an unprecedentedly long one for a crime that usually receives terms of one to three years. (Manning will go free on May 17.) What’s indisputable, however, is the unconscionable nature of Manning’s treatment as a transgender woman during her incarceration. Read full article at Slate.

SPW also recommends:

Obama Just Commuted Chelsea Manning’s Sentence – Mother Jones

Chelsea Manning Will Be Free! – The Nation

Five Reasons that President Obama Was Right to Commute Chelsea Manning’s Sentence – New Yorker

Obama Commutes Chelsea Manning’s Sentence – Human Rights Watch

Letter to President Obama in support of commutation of Chelsea Manning’s sentence – Human Rights Watch

Chelsea Manning to Be Released Early as Obama Commutes Sentence – New York Times

Chelsea Manning’s prison sentence commuted by Barack Obama – The Guardian

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