Sexuality Policy Watch

Abortion under attack during COVID-19 pandemic (April and May update)


Trump, Bannon y Cañizares: los lobbies ultrarreligiosos alimentan la teoría de la conspiración abortista del coronavirus – el diario

The Coronavirus Is Cutting Off Africa’s Abortion Access – Foreign Policy

Moscow Halts Abortions During Coronavirus Outbreak: Activists – Moscow Times

Poland: Reject New Curbs on Abortion, Sex Ed – HRW

How a harsh Polish abortion bill sparked women’s strikes around the world – openDemocracy

Abortion Amid Lockdown: How Can The State Take Responsibility? – Feminism in India

Millions may struggle to access contraception and abortion amidst COVID-19 – openDemocracy

Abortion providers take private flights to regional Queensland as coronavirus triggers industry collapse – ABC

How my north Texas students taught me ‘we’re all in the same boat’ is a lie – openDemocracy

‘Absurd’ rules obstruct abortion access in Italy during COVID-19 – openDemocracy

Red States are exploiting coronavirus to ban abortion – NY Times

Technically legal in Northern Ireland; abortions are still unobtainable – NY Times

Fight over Texas abortion ban reaches Supreme Court – NY Times

Texas abortion clinics can keep operating, Judge rules – NY Times

The Coronavirus Becomes an Excuse to Restrict Abortions – NY Times

Make Abortion More Available During the Pandemic — Not Less – Editorial NY Times

Nine Things Congress Must Do to Safeguard Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Age of COVID-19 – Guttmacher Institute

COVID-19 Abortion Bans Would Greatly Increase Driving Distances for Those Seeking Care – Guttmacher Institute

Abortion and COVID-19: why we need to support women’s right to abortion in health emergencies – LSE

Delaying ‘nonessential’ abortions during coronavirus crisis endangers women’s health and financial future – The Conversation

COVID-19 Could Bring the End of ‘Roe v. Wade’ – Rewire

How will the coronavirus affect access to safe abortion? – IPPF

Federal Appeals Court Lets Texas Resume Abortion Ban – Slate

Texas, Ohio order clinics to halt abortion procedures amid coronavirus – NBC

“People Were Sobbing, People Were Begging For Us to See Them Anyway”: Texas’ Abortion Ban Is Cruel – Mother Jones

State Officials Try to End Legal Abortion During COVID-19 Crisis – Rewire

Judge lifts Texas abortion ban pegged to coronavirus pandemic -Politico

How the Coronavirus Is Affecting Abortion Access in a State Hostile to Abortion Rights – Rewire

Lockdown in Colombia will affect the right to abortion, says human rights lawyer – Global Voices

Poland uses covid-19 pandemics to push for further restrictions in women’s access to sexual and reproductive rights – Federation for Women and Family Planning

Birth Centers Are Crucial for Communities of Color, Especially in a Pandemic – Rewire


El cardenal Cañizares advierte que la vacuna del coronavirus se hace con “fetos abortados” – La Vanguardia

Estados de EE. UU. suspenden los abortos “en nombre de la lucha contra el coronavirus” – El Espectador

La pandemia obstaculiza aún más el aborto seguro en América Latina – El País

Cuarentena impactará el derecho al aborto en Colombia, asegura abogada de derechos humanos – Global Voices


Principal hospital de aborto legal de SP interrompe serviço por coronavírus  – Azmina

Nota sobre o fechamento do serviço de atendimento a mulheres vítimas de violência sexual do Hospital Pérola Byington, em São Paulo – Frente Nacional Contra a Criminalização das Mulheres e pela Legalização do Aborto

Coronavírus pode levar milhões de mulheres em todo o mundo ao aborto inseguro – O Globo

Após pressão, Hospital Pérola Byington reabre serviço de aborto legal – Revista Marie Claire

Crise do coronavírus tem dificultado acesso ao aborto nos Estados Unidos – Universa

Justiça dos EUA autoriza suspensão provisória de abortos por Covid-19 – Isto É

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