A new study finds that residents in 90% of all surveyed countries have become more accepting of homosexuality over the past 20 years. The study examines the responses to 2000 questions asked in hundreds of surveys since 1981. Each included questions about attitudes regarding lesbians and gay men in 10 to 52 countries.
In 98% of the countries, those under 30 are more likely to believe that same-gender sex is not wrong at all, compared to those aged 65 and older. The average gap in supportiveness between these age groups is 23.4%. The study indicates that people remain supportive as they grow older. Additionally, women are on average over one and a half times more likely to be accepting of lesbian and gay people than men.
The study is authored by Tom W. Smith, NORC at the University of Chicago; Jaesok Son, NORC at the University of Chicago; and Jibum Kim, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul Korea.
Full study, click here.
Press release, click here.
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