Is a Civil War Ahead?
Para acessar o artigo da The New Yorker Is a Civil War Ahead?
Sexual Politics in Times of Pandemic: August-October 2021
Since July, when we published our last Special Edition, as you will see in this issue, a lot has happened in the pandemic and in the field of sexual politics. Once again, the pages that follow are quite dense, but we remind you that the sections are relatively autonomous.
Virginia and New Jersey governor election: compilation on sexual politics issues
Rough Night for Democrats Exposes the Party’s Weakness – NY Times Were the Ultra-Conservative “Mama Bears” Youngkin’s Secret Weapon? – Mother Jones Lessons From Virginia:
Republicans against Trump: compilation
Is Trump’s power over Republicans starting to slip? – BBC All the Republicans Who Won’t Support Trump – NY Times A Prominent Anti-Trump Republican Says
Sexual Politics in Times of Pandemic: January-July 2021
First Words In the last 2020 edition of Sexual Politics in Times of Pandemic Special of 2020, we hypothesized that throughout 2021, with the arrival
Celebrating “Nossos Corpos por Nós Mesmas” and Transnational Feminist Health!
After more than two years in the making, the first volume of “Nossos Corpos por Nós Mesmas,” has arrived! The book, a Brazilian Portuguese adaptation of “Our Bodies, Ourselves,” covers topics including anatomy and sexuality, birth control, abortion, body image, safer sex and violence against women.
Nazi Hippies: When the New Age and Far Right Overlap
Last week’s rallies in London, Berlin, and Los Angeles against lockdown measures attracted both New Agers and far-right groups. We’ve seen before this overlap between the spiritual
One Year of COVID-19: Sexual Politics in Times of Pandemic Round-Up
Preliminary comment In 2020, in order to adjust our lenses to COVID-19 world conditions, we suspended our regular monthly announcements and started a series of
QAnon compilation: from surge to Capitol invasion
Title Vehicle / Author Pedophilia – more of the same? SPW Monsters Under The Bed SPW How Covid-19 myths are merging with the QAnon
Recommendations on Brazil to President Biden
With the contribution and/or endorsement of 100 academics from universities such as Harvard, Brown and Columbia, and of organizations such as Greenpeace USA, Amazon Watch,