Louisiana: Repeal ‘Crime Against Nature’ Laws
According to Human Rights Watch, the Louisiana State House of Representatives voted to repeal a law, enacted in 1805, that punishes and undermines LGBT rights.

Sexual and reproductive rights global landscape in March and early April 2014
Sexual and reproductive rights global landscape in March and early April 2014 During March and early April, Brazil was under the spotlight in terms of

EROTICs project final publication online
Read the final publication of the EROTICS: sex, rights and the Internet project here.

In Unprecedented Assault, Koch Brothers Aim for Anti-Choice Senate in 2014
Read Reality Check‘s article about the movement by the Koch Brother to support anti-choice organizations in the context of the mid-term congressional elections this year.

In-Depth Report Details Economics of Sex Trade
Read NY Times article about some of the findings of a landmark government-sponsored report on the size and structure of the sex economy in USA,

CHANGE Takes Time
CHANGE Presidente Serra Sippel, in article, says that “the long, hard struggle to alter US policy on HIV/AIDS assistance shows that advocacy can deliver a

Two Women, Different Outcomes: How U.S. Foreign Assistance Policy Harms Women
Read article “Two Women, Different Outcomes: How U.S. Foreign Assistance Policy Harms Women”, by Elizabeth Maguire in “RH Reality Check”, in which the author tells

New York Times brings an article about the increasing of American gay men who reported having unprotected sex to federal health investigators
New York Times brings an article about the increasing of American gay men who reported having unprotected sex to federal health investigators . The article remarks that

Global landscape on sexual and reproductive rights in November 2013
November was marked by two relevant facts in the sexual and reproductive rights landscape: the financing of Human Rights Campaign to promote LGBT rights and

I was a victim of revenge porn. I don’t want anyone else to face this
In article on The Guardian, Annmarie Chiarini tells how her ex-boyfriend put nude photos of her on the web and how she reacted. The case