Sexuality Policy Watch

Tag Archives: South Africa

Psychologists drew historically from theories of social Darwinism and eugenics to espouse the hierarchical categorisation of people into race groups. African people were posited as the least human of all.

Originally posted by Maneo Mohale at Bitch Media on 19/09/2016. Available at: Maneo Mohale is the 2016 Bitch Media Writing Fellow in Global Feminism.

Feminist and queer art was part of the 13th International AWID Forum in Costa do Sauípe, Bahia Sep 8th-11th , 2016). Gabrielle Le Roux was

The Women’s Legal Centre has published their report on Police Abuse of Sex Workers in South Africa. Their report shows that 414 sex workers reported various types of violence perpetrated by police between 2011 and 2015. Of those, 13 were sexually assaulted, 71 were physically assaulted, 152 were verbally assaulted, 192 were harassed, and 254 experienced some other form of abuse.

Gates, who is worth $80 billion, specialises in top-down technicist quick-fixes, which often backfire on the economic shooting range of extreme corporate influence and neoliberal policies. On Sunday, Gates will get even richer, in terms of the moral legitimacy bestowed by the Mandela Lecture.

Originally posted by Mic Jordyn Taylor at Business Insider on 18/07/2016. Available at: DURBAN, South Africa — Homophobia exacts a devastating emotional toll. But

This anthology is the first time that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) migrants and refugees in South Africa have shared their stories and

Originally published on Mamba online on 03/03/2016. Available at: South Africa’s Minister of Justice has called on African nations to accept the human rights

The Research Report for Transilience Project on Violence against Transgender Women 2014 offers relevant qualitative data to understand the discrimination and violence faced by transgender community in different parts of South African society.

In SPW Newsletter nº8 (2010), we higlighted Zanele Muholi’s artwork about queer identities in South Africa. By that time, the Minister of Arts and Culture

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