Sexual politics in Brazil: the conservative restoration a further step ahead
As SPW readers know, for some years now Brazil has been undergoing regressions in gender and sexual politics and, since last year, a full conservative
Sexual Politics in September 2017
September is the key moment of the year in regard to abortion rights, as the 28th marks the International Safe Abortion Day worldwide. As informed
Compilation on September 28, 2017
Joint Statement on Access to Safe and Legal abortion globally – HRC36: General Debate Item 8 September 28, 2017 Theme: Resist & Persist! Our Bodies, Our Abortions, Our Rights
An Autonomy & Abortion Webinar: Demanding full control over our bodies and our lives
The Coalition of African Lesbians (CAL) invites its members, partners, allies, friends and fellow feminists to participate in a conversation on Abortion & Autonomy: Demanding full
#IresistWePersist Campaign Toolkit 2017
September 28 has been a regional campaign for the decriminalization of abortion in Latin America and the Caribbean for over twenty years before being taken
Zika: From the Brazilian Backlands to Global Threat, Debora Diniz
Zika has disappeared from the headlines. Soon after the World Health Organization’s decision to declare the end of the global public health emergency in November 2016,
What is the latest news on the abortion rights front in Brazil?
By Carla Batista and Sonia Corrêa* In November 2016, the first bench of the Brazilian Supreme Court, in a judgment of a habeas corpus of
Chile: major step for women’s right to abortion
In Chile, the processing of a bill aimed at legalizing abortion in three cases — when the woman’s life is at risk, when the fetus
International Convening on Conscientious Objection to Abortion – Strategies to counter the effects
Montevideo, Uruguay ─ Fifty experts from 20 countries in Africa, the Americas and Europe, gathered at the first international convening on conscientious objection to abortion have concluded
Sexuality, Health and Society – Latin American Journal 26th issue
The 26th issue of Sexuality, Health and Society – Latin American Journal, organized by the Latin American Center of Sexuality and Human Rights (CLAM/IMS/UERJ) is out