Interview: Radhika Balakrishman
Read the interview with Radhika Balakrishnan, the Executive Director and a Professor at the Center for Women’s Global Leadership, about aid conditionalities to developing countries and its impacts on national human rights agenda.
The World AIDS Day 2011
December 1st is the World AIDS Day. Despite recent advances on treatment and prevention projects, women are still missing in policies to fight and prevent
:: Critical sexuality issues in Chinese society
SPW: What do you see as the most critical issues concerning sexuality and sexual rights, broadly speaking, in China today? Pei: As a researcher, I
2011 – Intersections and challenges for the sexual politics in LA, Africa and Asia: notes on the Inter-regional Dialogue on Sexuality and Politics
From September 26 to 29 2011, the Sexuality Policy Watch (SPW) organized the Inter-Regional Dialogue on Sexuality and Politics, in Rio de Janeiro, gathering researchers and activist members of the global forum, as well as people involved with the Regional Dialogues on Sexuality and Geopolitics, which took place in Asia (April 2009, Hanoi, Vietnam), Latin America (August 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and Africa (October 2010, Lagos, Nigeria).
Reflecting on 2011: incomplete notes on how sexual politics intersect with a shifting landscape
Read the “Reflecting on 2011: incomplete notes on how sexual politics intersect with a shifting landscape”, by Sonia Corrêa, published in the Newsletter n.10.
Egypt after Mubarak, by Paul Amar
Read the article Egypt after Mubarak, written by Paul Amar and published at The Nation website, about the coalition that has taken action to continue the Egyptian revolution.
What are the connections? Overview and Literature Review
Read What are the connections? Overview and Literature Review, launched by Sida. This publication illustrates the necessity for economic policies and poverty reduction efforts to take account of sexuality. If they don’t, they risk exacerbating exclusions and inequalities, and becoming less effective. It is hoped that this paper will support the work of donors, policy makers and activists in the areas of economic policy and poverty reduction, as well as in struggles for sexual and economic justice more broadly.
African Sexualities – A Reader
Sylvia Tamale launched the book African Sexualities – A Reader, a groundbreaking volume which provide a critical mapping of African sexualities, informing readers about the plurality and complexities of sexualities on the continent. Click here to read more.
Responding to HIV and AIDS in Brazil: Structural Violence, Social Movements, and the Local Politics of Global Health
Richard Parker, SPW’s Co-chair, will participate in the Seminar Responding to HIV and AIDS in Brazil: Structural Violence, Social Movements, and the Local Politics of Global Health, which will be held on May 2nd 2011 at the Wenner-Gren Foundation, in New York. Read more at the New York Academy of Sciences Anthropology website.