Sexual Politics in Times of Pandemic: July to December 2020
Editors’ Note We apologize to our readers and partners for the delay in making our last Special Issue on Sexual Politics in the Pandemic available.
Anti-Gender Politics | video series
We hope the series Anti-Gender Politics with English subtitles can be a resource for organizations and collectives to inform about the order of the attack
Brazil’s review by the CEDAW: contributions
Contributions to the List of Issues Prior to Reporting of the review of Brazil by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
CEDAW AD HOC Committee
Brazil in the UPR: Shadow Report presented in 2019
The SPW is pleased to offer the part-time report produced by civil society regarding the country’s assessment in the UN Universal Periodic Review 2017. The
Judith Butler on the culture wars, JK Rowling and living in “anti-intellectual times”
Thirty years ago, the philosopher Judith Butler*, now 64, published a book that revolutionised popular attitudes on gender. Gender Trouble, the work she is perhaps best known for, introduced ideas of gender as performance. It asked how we define “the category of women” and, as a consequence, who it is that feminism purports to fight for. Today, it is a foundational text on any gender studies reading list, and its arguments have long crossed over from the academy to popular culture.
Decolonization and Afro-feminism – Book Launch Invitation
Sylvia Tamale, author of Decolonization and Afro-Feminism, will be discussing her new book with Charmaine Pereira, writer and feminist scholar in Abuja, Nigeria. Host:
Rosalind Petchesky wins the Charles A. McCoy Award
SPW dearly congratulates our friend and Steering Committee member, Rosalind Petchesky, for receiving the New Political Science Charles A. McCoy Career Achievement Award, a more
A Tribute to Katherine Cuellar Bravo
In May 2020, Katherine Cuellar Bravo, a young Colombian researcher from the public health field, has passed away. She was responsible for the Colombian case
Biopolitics & The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Feminist Perspective
As part of DAWN’s webinar series DAWN Talks on COVID-19, Sonia Corrêa shares a piece she wrote especially for DAWN on COVID-19 biopolitics from a