Lohana Berkins: after her death, she left us a legacy of trans and feminist struggle
It dawns. She leaves behind a dominant world angered by her smile, an enemy world that is not ours, a passage from silence to speech; lives crossed, names and identities that no longer pay with their bodies, under a sky that heals as it challenges us. It is dawning in tears and, accompanied, Lohana Berkins dies in Buenos Aires.
‘In Guatemala to be a feminist is not welcomed, a lesbian, even less so. I am a lesbian feminist’
Originally published on The Guardian on 11/02/2016. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2016/feb/11/guatemala-feminist-lesbian-sandra-moran Sandra Moran, the first openly gay member of Congress in Guatemala, says LGBT rights don’t
Sexual Politics in January 2016
The global epidemics fueled by the mosquito-born Zika virus, its potential correlation with microcephaly and the connection with abortion rights is one main headline in
How the West Undermined Women’s Rights in the Arab World
This article is based on some of the research that I have conducted over the past two years on women’s activism in Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan, from independence until the Arab uprisings. I collected over one hundred personal narratives from middle class women activists of different generations.
2015 Sexual Politics Round- Up
As the year heads toward its end, SPW recollects main trends and facts in sexual politics worldwide. January Pope Francis drew global attention after urging
Campaigning for the right to safe abortion – Highlights from 2015
International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion’s roundup from 2015.
Remembering Fatema Mernissi
This tribute is to Fatema Mernissi: mentor, insightful teacher, organic intellectual, incisive feminist, powerful voice, charismatic presence, craftswoman, generous host, and friend.
Feminist Studies’s call for paper: Decolonial and Postcolonial Approaches: A Conversation
authoritarianism Deadline: March 1, 2016 Decolonial and postcolonial approaches have long informed and animated feminist scholarship and activism, but often not at once nor in
New issue of Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender
The second issue of Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research is out. Kohl serves as an alternative platform of knowledge production. It tackles feminisms,
Reports from Exploring the Continuum between Sexuality and Sexual Violence
Partners for Law in Development have compiled the rich, vibrant discussions from the Roundtable on Exploring the Continuum between Sexuality and Sexual Violence on April