Emerging Powers, Sexuality and Human Rights: The case of Brazil, India and South Africa
The Coalition of African Lesbians, the Gay and Lesbian Archives and the Centre for Indian Studies of the University of Witwatersrand, in partnership with Sexuality

SPW Activities – December 2014 / January 2015
The SPW partner in the “Emerging Powers, Sexuality and Human Rights Project’, the India researcher and activist akshay khanna participated in two events organized by

Sexual and reproductive rights global landscape in October 2014
In October the 10th anniversary of SUR Journal – International Journal on Human Right was marked by the publication of its 20th issue that comprises

SPW at the Civil Society Dialogues parallel to the VI BRICS Summit
In 2013, Sexuality Policy Watch began a new line of work aimed at critically examining how sexuality, gender and human rights are located in the

SPW Activities – July, 2014
Sonia Corrêa and SPW partners in the “Emerging Powers, Sexuality and Human Rights Project” — akshay khana, Cai Yiping, Laura Waisbich — – attended the