Call for papers – Brazilian Journalism Research: Journalism and Gender Studies
Call for Papers for the V. 14, n. 1, April-July 2018 Journalism and Gender Studies Editors: Cláudia Lago (School of Communications and Arts, University of

Call for Submissions: September 28 Abortion Rights Watchdog
Recognising 28 September as the Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion, the Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights is

Call for Applications: Master of Public Health – BRAC University, Bangladesh
Here you can find the MPH prospectus, which gives a detailed overview of the programme with its leading global faculty and public health practitioners, experiential

Montevideo: Global Meeting about conscientious objection and abortion
Around 50 experts on legislation, academics, health professionals and activists around the world will gather at the international convening on “Conscientious Objection to Abortion; Strategies

Rainbow Fundraising Western Balkans
Rainbow Fundraising offers LGBTQ organisations in the Western Balkans a comprehensive training package on resource development and mobilisation. Drawing on our long-term experience of trainings

Call for Participants – Training for African LGBTI Activists on Human Rights Mechanisms
Pan Africa ILGA will be conducting a training for African LGBTI Activists on Human Rights Mechanisms from the 27th – 29th July 2017 in Accra,

Summerschool on Health Law and Ethics 2017
Summerschool on Health Law and Ethics 2017 28 June – 7 July 2017 The Erasmus Observatory on Health Law / Institute of Health Policy &

Call for Applications: XI IASSCS Conference Scholarships
The International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS) opens the Call for Applications for its XI Biennual Conference, to be held

Education Resources for LGBT Philanthropy
Compiled by Arcus Foundation (special thanks to Garrett Sander), January 2017. The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive and fluid list of

Is Porn the New Sex Education?
To develop a comprehensive sex education strategy for young people that aims to reduce maternal and child mortality, unwanted pregnancy, sexual violence and includes the realities of sex and pleasure, policymakers and sex educators need to engage with new and traditional gatekeepers, porn distributors and young people themselves.