Bukele: A ‘caudilho’ Dies and A Messiah is Born in El Salvador
SPW begins a series of brief analyses of the Covid-19 crisis in contexts that are generally under-reported by the mainstream press and which are characterized
India and coronavirus: news and analysis (March – June)
Delhi Progrom Victims Getting No Treatment Due to COVID-19 – National Herald FIR against Scroll’s Supriya Sharma for story on Varanasi woman’s lockdown ‘misery’ –
Hungary and coronavirus: authoritarianism (April and May update)
Hungary Hungary rolls back legal protections, puts trans and intersex people at risk – Ilga Europe Hungary votes to end legal recognition of trans people
Nicaragua: A Pandemic Carnival
“Amor en los tiempos del covid-19” march, organized by the government. Photo: EFE. Nicaragua and the dance of horrors in the struggle against COVID 19
COVID-19, politics and authoritarianism: compilation (March – June)
MAY / JUNE Hunger, infection and repression: Venezuela’s coronavirus calamity – New Yorker Contact-Tracing Apps: No Substitute for Public Healthcare Interventions – Bot Populi Spread
COVID-19, media and (dis)information: compilation
MAY / JUNE English Information warfare: COVID-19’s other battleground in the Middle East – Global Voices Nearly half of all tweets on coronavirus likely came
Sexual politics in January and February 2020
Anti- gender politics in Latin America – SPW is pleased to announce the collection Anti-gender Politics in Latin America, which encompasses nine case studies from
Anti-gender politics in Latin America
SPW is pleased to announce the collection Anti-gender Politics in Latin America, comprised of 9 case studies from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador,
WhatsApp and political instability in Brazil – 2018 Presidential elections
Rafael Evangelista Laboratory of Advanced Studies on Journalism (Labjor), State University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil, rae@unicamp.br Fernanda Bruno Communication and culture, Federal University of Rio
Sexual politics round up in 2019
The year of 2019 has finished and, as traditionally, SPW offers our readers and followers a compilation of the main facts, trends, setbacks and victories