Sexuality Policy Watch

Tag Archives: conservatisms

Horrifying images posted on social media for all the world to see show men accused of homosexuality thrown off high buildings, stoned to death, or shot in the head by extremist groups, including the Islamic State (known as ISIS) in Iraq, Syria and Libya.

Originally published by Michael K Lavers on 20/12/2015 on Washington Blade. Available at: Slovenian voters on Sunday rejected a law that extended marriage rights

When a local politician from Tokyo’s Ebisu district last week condemned media coverage of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights issues and called gay people “abnormal” on Twitter, it came as a reminder of times past. It was just five years ago when Tokyo’s governor publicly called gay people “deficient.”

In the end of October, seven million young people had to sit and think about the persistence of violence against women in Brazil. This was the essay theme of the National High School Exam (ENEM) — a Brazilian standardized test that is mandatory to compete for a place in the country’s public universities.

As it has been systematically reported by SPW in the last few months, Brazil is now  a battleground in regard to the right to legal

The Synod on Family has ended in October 24 with a final document produced by the bishops gathered at the Assembly called by Pope Francis

Written by Fábio Grotz (in collaboration with Sonia Corrêa) Since the heyday of preparation for the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD, Cairo, 1994),

Everybody on earth knows that last week a deal on Iran’s nuclear program was announced. Everybody also knows that this apparent step toward peace launched a new stage in an old war: of propaganda.

In early July, UN Human Rights Council adopted the resolution concerning the protection of the family, whose text points that the family is the natural and

by Juan Marco Vaggione Since his inauguration as the new pontiff, Bergoglio has generated new complexities for those of us who think that it is

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