Sexuality Policy Watch

The Sexual Politics landscape in August 2015 and early September

SPW has the great pleasure to announce the publication of Working Paper nº 11 Emerging Powers, Sexuality and Human Rights: Fumbling around the elephant. Authored by Sonia Corrêa and akshay khanna, the article is part of a series of analyses developed by the project Emerging powers, sexuality and human rights. The other products of this project are available on the SPW website since May 2015.

At the global stage, one main topic is that Amnesty International approved, by voting, the proposed policy supporting the decriminalization of sex work, at International Council Meeting held in Dublin in early August. As reported in SPW July announcement, much controversy preceded the Dublin decision. The voting did not exhausted the debate, however, as it can be seen in this new compilation of articles on the matter.

The abortion frontline is also heated up in Brazil and globally. In the case of Brazil, on August 6th a public hearing was held at the Human Rights Committee of the Federal Senate to discuss a proposal to regulate access to voluntary termination of pregnancy up to the 12th week. In “The Congressional Frontline: the debate on legal abortion in Brazil”,  Sonia Corrêa — who was invited as a presenter to the hearing — analyzes the core arguments raised by feminist who participated in the debate as well as the discourses and behavior of anti legal abortion advocates.

At the global level, as September began, Pope Francis the First made a glaring speech authorizing priests to forgive women who have aborted — whenever they deeply repente — in the course of the Year of Mercy, which begins now and ends in November 20th, 2016. His comments spiralled up in the global media, inevitably sparking as well sharp critiques from reproductive righs advocates, as it can be read in this brief compilation.

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