Sexuality Policy Watch

Sexual and Reproductive Rights Global Landscape in January and February 2014

Dear friends,

Around the World

During January and February 2014, SPW has watched the development of anti-homosexuality bills in Nigeria and Uganda, as well as of anti-prostitution cleansing in Brazil and crackdown and China. In the same period, however, there have been positive news in relation to abortion rights in Bolivia and Uruguay (in Spanish). SPW is also following the global process leading to Cairo +20.

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A series of relevant academic publications have also been made accessible in the last few months, such as:

The Implications of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009 on Uganda’s Legal System  by Adrian Jjuuko and Francis Tumwesige that examines the Ugandan crisis from within.

Sexualities January 2014 Issue

The UNDP Discussion Paper on Transgender Health & Human Rights written by Jack Byrne

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