November was marked by two relevant facts in the sexual and reproductive rights landscape: the financing of Human Rights Campaign to promote LGBT rights and same-sex y marriage around the world and the approval by the French Assembly of a new bill criminalizing clients of prostitution..
In early November, Scott Long wrote about the funds received by the US-based NGO Human Right Campaign from hedge funds bankers linked to the Republican Party — who profit from highly speculative financial operations that damage global South countries – to promote LGBT rights and same-sex marriage. One of the funders justified this campaign as a way to promote the rights of individuals who are arrested, tortured and killed by countries that enemies of the U.S as well as to ensure family and social stability? As to discuss this new trend SPW has heard a few Brazilian scholars and activists.
In France, the National Assembly approved a bill criminalizing clients of prostitution that makes them pay a fine. The decision is generating a heated debate in French French society, where some polls indicate the 2/3 of the public is against the law. What are the human rights implications of the project? What does it mean in a country known for its long tradition of respecting the freedom of individuals? What will be the global political impacts of the new law? What do French prostitutes think of the new law provision? SPW has gathered a series of articles on the voting, its antecedents and aftermat as to shed light on this heated discussion.
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